Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Dilemma

It's days like these when I'm not sure what to post. Both yesterday and today had some pretty weak releases, so I don't really know what to do. My thoughts are if it's not good I'm not gonna post it. So if nothing good drops I ain't postin anything. Considering it's day two of this electro drought I thought I would at least post some throwbacks to get us through the next few days.

One of my personal favorite trance songs. Armin kills it bringing in the guitar.

Zocalo (Original Mix) - Armin Van Buuren Feat. Gabriel & Dredsen

Seeing Gabriel & Dredsen featured in the above track reminded me of this SICK throwback. Has an awesome synth and some amazing vocals.

Tracking Treasure Down - Gabriel & Dredsen

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